Kenzie Miller

[email protected]

Pacific Northwest based artist, Kenzie Miller, has been creating ever since he can remember. Since dedicating himself as a visual artist years ago, he’s been approaching art with his obsession of the physical nature of painting materials and the emotional nature of people; how they interact and live within a subject. By using transparent layers on the same surface he achieves a freshly unique look:  taking advantage of fluid mechanics inherent to ink and watercolor combined with more controlled mediums such as oil or charcoal that kindles atmospheric, ephemeral, and haunting depictions.

His subjects are rarely “whole” as he lets rendered areas and negative space speak equally, allowing for increased visual interpretation. He’s intrigued by how information plays through space, time, and materials to return through the senses and be processed by your psyche. This is precisely why his portraiture can have a multitude of interpretations, as he believes every person is their own unique filter of the world around them.

Fragments of life filtered through his creativity result in a work of art that can be used as a tool for self-exploration that allows both the creator and the viewer to better understand the inner-workings of their own minds.